When you think of hearing loss, what kind of person do you think of? Perhaps your parents, turning up the volume on the TV, or your grandparents, trying to hear the family around the dinner table. We don’t often think of children with hearing loss. For many of us, we...
Inspiring Stories from Our Patients—Send These to a Loved One Considering Hearing Loss Treatment
We get calls each day from people across the Seattle area who are concerned about their own hearing or that of a loved one—questions, concerns, and a need for clarification are all understandable, and we’re happy to provide answers! However, we’ve noticed a common...
How Hearing Loss Can Lead to Cognitive Decline
Despite how intrinsically linked our hearing is to many other functions of our bodies, people often don’t realize just how much hearing loss can affect the rest of our bodies. Untreated hearing loss has been connected to issues with balance, social isolation, and...
How To Treat Hearing Loss: Your Available Options
Hearing loss impacts roughly every 430 million people, and the World Health Organization approximates that by 2050, 1 in every 10 people will have some level of hearing loss. Thankfully, there’s plenty of options available to treat hearing loss, from phone apps to...
Know Someone Considering Treating Their Hearing Loss? Show Them This
Did you know that your job can be one of the biggest contributors to hearing loss? The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) estimates that 22 million workers are exposed to potentially damaging noise at work every year in the United States. When you...
Here’s Why the ReSound ONE Hearing Aids Are Special
ReSound ONE hearing aids easily localize sounds and boost speech understanding by 30% with the Focus Assist feature. With our decades of audiology experience in Washington communities, we have hands-on experience and connections with a wide range of hearing aid...
6 Gifts Ideas For Loved Ones With Hearing Loss
This year give your loved ones the gift of accessibility! We’ve put together a list of six tech gadgets that will help someone with hearing loss gain fuller access to their world.Hearable What are hearables? They’re any wireless earbud that enhances your sound...
What Is Conductive Hearing Loss?
A conductive hearing loss occurs when there is a problem with one or more of the parts of the ear that conduct sound into the inner ear. The ear canal, the eardrum, and the tiny bones in the middle ear make up the conductive system, and any hearing loss caused by a...
Hearing Loss In Both Ears – Binaural Hearing
Individuals often experience different levels of hearing loss in each ear. And patients in this situation frequently ask us, “Can’t I just treat my really bad ear for hearing loss? Won’t that be improvement enough?” While we at Highline Hearing Professionals sometimes...
Communication Tips
Better hearing requires more than just hearing aids. Hearing your best means having the right technology — fit specifically to your unique hearing needs — for the environments you find yourself in most often, and maximizing that technology with better communication...