Provider of Phonak Hearing Aids in Burien, Washington

The Phonak Alpina brand, a leader in the development of wireless communication, produced their first portable audio devices in 1950. Visaton Super, which integrated hearing aids with a pair of glasses, was the beginning of a long string of innovations in 1967, leading to the production of the world’s first BTE (behind-the-ear) hearing aid (Phonette) in 1970, and the audio input that established the foundation for FM devices in 1979.

PICS, the first digitally programmed hearing aid with an analog processor; the AudioZoom multi-microphone concept; and MicroLink, the first tiny FM receiver, were released by Phonak in 1992, 1994, and 1996.

The first digital hearing system with FM receiver was released in 1999, followed by the tiny MLx ear-level FM receiver hearing system the next year and SmartLink (Bluetooth integration technology) in 2003.

After the development of water-resistant housings in 2008, Phonak integrated the material with nano-digital technology in order to develop the world’s only extended-wear hearing product.

Phonak hearing aid manufacturer logo

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Phonak Innovations for Better Hearing

The latest Phonak hearing aid devices push the envelope thanks to the development of bionic systems that incorporate cutting-edge digital technology. SmartLink Bluetooth integration technology and binaural VoiceStream Technology, capable of improving sound clarity by up to 45 percent in challenging noise environments, help provide a more natural hearing experience.

Other innovations like water-resistant housings, extended-wear hearing aids, integrated tinnitus management, advanced recharging capabilities, and improved streaming and connectivity make Phonak hearing aids more user-friendly.

Smartphone connectivity with seamless streaming from Android, iPhone, and a wide range of Bluetooth compatible digital devices with hi-fi stereo quality sound also becomes virtually effortless with the Tap Control feature, allowing you to connect to your hearing care provider from any remote location using the myPhonak app.

The only question left to answer is, “Where do I find Phonak hearing aids near me?”

Hearing aid model by Phonak at Highline Hearing

Trusted, Patient-Focused Hearing Care at Highline Audiology and Hearing Aids

Highline Audiology and Hearing Aids are Phonak hearing aid providers, but hearing aids from Phonak are just one of the many advanced technology solutions we use to meet your unique needs, because technology can never replace you as our primary focus.

We start with a highly accurate comprehensive hearing assessment that identifies your unique hearing challenges and use the information we gather to design the hearing care that addresses your needs. With the best possible hearing to meet your lifestyle, budget, and personal preferences as our goal, our hearing instrument specialists help guide you through the process of selecting the hearing aid to meet your specific needs.

Besides fitting our patients with some of the most advanced hearing aid technology in the world from manufacturers like Phonak, ReSound, Signia, and more, we provide ongoing technical support, device maintenance, and hearing aid repair that make it easy to enjoy better hearing and a better quality of life.

If you, or a loved one, are experiencing problems with your hearing or you need to take advantage of the expertise of one of our hearing aid technicians, contact the most trusted hearing care clinic in Burien, Seattle, and South King County using the adjacent form.

Scheduling a Hearing
Assessment Is Critical

So much damage to your hearing, your mental and physical health as well as relationships can be done when hearing loss is left untreated. Identifying the type and severity of hearing loss in order to customize a plan of treatment or preventive measures makes a hearing assessment a critical element in your overall health and quality of life.

To ensure your hearing health, or that of a loved one, don’t continue to put off having a hearing test. Take the first step on the journey to better hearing by scheduling a hearing assessment.

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