Rexton Hearing Aids

A 2019 Sivantos (formerly Siemens) merger with Widex created the WS Audiology Group to provide the developmental and innovation history behind Rexton hearing aids. The Rexton brand name, a result of the merger, follows a philosophy that recognizes that reliability means designing and building instruments that are practical, easy-to-use, and dependable in real life settings.
Rexton hearing aid manufacturer logo

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Rexton’s Hearing Technology Solutions

Motion sensor technology automatically makes more than 120 hearing scenarios with real-time capabilities to detect your movements, accurately determine your hearing situation, and produce up to 20 times more individual hearing situations than other models.

Rexton offers hearing aids with specific technologies to address your hearing needs using proven technology with a full range of features, including Voice Ranger enhanced speech technology and Music Enhancer to maximize enjoyment for music lovers, and integrated real-time motion sensor capable of detecting your movements to accurately determine your hearing situation.

Connectivity and direct audio streaming from iPhone are major features of Rexton devices that include Stereo iLock technology for an improved signal-to-noise ratio, Intelligent Feedback Preventer to eliminate whistling and feedback, and Dynamic Extender to enhance sound quality, especially when listening to music.

The WS Audiology Group TeleCare app, accessed using the Rexton app on your smartphone, makes it possible for you to stay up to date with your hearing care provider for ongoing counseling and support without having to schedule an in-office appointment.

Hearing aid model by Rexton at Highline Hearing

Patient-Focused Hearing Aid Repair from Aim Hearing and Audiology Service

Rexton hearing aids are an advanced technology solution with enormous benefits for those who need a little extra help with their hearing. The advantages to better hearing, better overall health, and a more rewarding lifestyle are among the many reasons Highline Audiology and Hearing Aids offers troubleshooting, maintenance, and hearing aid repair to Rexton hearing aid wearers, as well as users with Rexton, Siemens, Sonic, and other devices.

Ongoing, trusted, and personalized care from a doctor of audiology is among the advantages of trusting your hearing care to trained professionals instead of purchasing your instrument from a hearing aid dispenser, online, or over the counter in a big box store. The support, encouragement, and personalized care you need in Burien, Seattle, and South King County, turn us to achieve better hearing and improve your quality of life.

If you, or a loved one, is experiencing a hearing challenge or you need some help from one of our hearing aid technicians, contact our hearing care center using the adjacent form.

Scheduling a Hearing
Assessment Is Critical

So much damage to your hearing, your mental and physical health as well as relationships can be done when hearing loss is left untreated. Identifying the type and severity of hearing loss in order to customize a plan of treatment or preventive measures makes a hearing assessment a critical element in your overall health and quality of life.

To ensure your hearing health, or that of a loved one, don’t continue to put off having a hearing test. Take the first step on the journey to better hearing by scheduling a hearing assessment.

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