Prescription Hearing Aid Technology

Choose the Best Prescription Hearing Aids to Meet Your Needs and Lifestyle

Over-the-counter hearing aids have added to the awareness of just how much hearing aid technology has advanced over the past 20 years. Instead of the bulky, frustrating devices you may remember your parents or grandparents wearing, today’s prescription hearing aids are more streamlined and user friendly, making them practically unnoticeable.

In addition to more discrete wearing, modern prescription hearing aid technology offers incredible sound processing power and precision, along with features like rechargeable batteries and Bluetooth connectivity to link your computer, cell phone or television directly to your hearing device, enhancing your hearing experience as well as your lifestyle.

Because everyone has unique hearing needs, lifestyles and personal preferences, a one-size-fits-all approach to precription hearing aids is never in your best interest. In contrast to OTC hearing aids, our audiologists conduct a comprehensive hearing assessment in order to measure the exact type and severity of your hearing loss, and then guide you through the process of selecting the hearing instrument that are a good match for your unique set of circumstances, including your budget.

We work with brand name hearing aid manufactures, like ReSound, Oticon, Starkey, Unitron and more, to provide you with plenty or hearing aid choices to meet your lifestyle, level of hearing loss, unique circumstances, preferred style, and budget.

Your comfort and satisfaction with the device you choose is our top priority, because ultimately, you’re the one who will being wearing the hearing instrument for years to come. In addition to helping you choose a hearing device, we provide all the ongoing followup care and support you need to ensure that you get the most benefit from your hearing device, services that don’t come with OTC devices.

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We Have a Wide Selection of
Prescription Hearing Aid Styles Available

Scheduling a Hearing Assessment

If you are concerned about your hearing or that of a loved one, your first step is a comprehensive hearing assessment conducted by an audiology professional for an accurate evaluation of your hearing loss and help selecting the right hearing device to address your hearing challenges.

By completing and submitting your form, you’ll alert our team to give you a call and help you schedule a hearing assessment with one of our audiologists.

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