Although earwax provides a lot of natural benefits for your ears, earwax buildup can make your ears feel clogged or blocked, and even lead to irritation or infection in the ear canal.
Built up earwax that has become severely impacted can lead to sudden hearing loss, dizziness, headaches, or ear pain.
If you’re experiencing these issues, then professional ear cleaning is vital, in order to have the wax removed as soon as possible.
At Highline, we have helped hundreds of people to remove earwax in a quick, non-invasive, and painless way using the latest techniques and technology.
What is Earwax?
Cerumen, or earwax is a natural substance produced in your ears to help clean them out and protect you form the bacteria and fungi that could lead to ear infections.
In small doses, earwax is your friend, so there is a delicate balance that must be maintained when it comes to removing and controlling earwax.
For all its benefits, earwax is “public enemy number one” when it comes to the damage it causes to hearing aids and the problems it causes when it becomes impacted.
The causes of impacted earwax are very different from person to person, but it usually follows improper removal and earwax management.
Myths and Facts
About Earwax
Difficulty Hearing
Earwax, by its nature, will absorb sounds entering your ears, and stop them getting to where they need to be. An earwax professional at Highland Hearing will not only be able to clean your ears and remove excess earwax, but will also be able to identify other potential problems around your hearing health.
Itchy Ears
Poking a finger in your ear to scratch an itch might be somewhat satisfying, but you could be doing more harm than good. It is very easy to push earwax further into the ear canal, making extraction much more difficult and, if left untreated, can become impacted.
Ringing in the Ears
Excessive earwax build-up can produce symptoms of tinnitus, causing a continual ringing sound. Often, removal of the earwax will also remove the tinnitus symptoms. Good ear health management is vital, to avoid permanent damage.
Sudden Dizziness
Your ears, as well as being your gateway to the sounds of the world, play a vital role in providing balance. Earwax can cause the vital functions that help to keep us balanced to struggle to process our body position, and make the necessary adjustments we need.
How Does Earwax Removal Work?
Ear Inspection
Using a range of equipment, we take a look at what’s really going on inside your ear. This technology helps us locate the blockage and show us how to remove it. The best part is, you can watch all the action at the same time on a monitor.
And It’s All Done
This is that wonderful moment of relief that comes from realizing just how much of an effect that earwax was having on your ears and your hearing all this time.