A young man sits with his eyes closed, resting his face against his hand, looking tired or contemplative.

Hope for Managing the
Ringing in Your Ears

“This constant ringing in my ears is driving me out of my mind!”

If you experience this frustration 24/7, then you already understand the debilitating effects produced by the neurological condition known as tinnitus.

A young man sits with his eyes closed, resting his face against his hand, looking tired or contemplative.

Hope for Managing the
Ringing in Your Ears

“This constant ringing in my ears is driving me out of my mind!”

If you experience this frustration 24/7, then you already understand the debilitating effects produced by the neurological condition known as tinnitus.

Introducing Our Tinnitus Remapping Program, Developed By Dr. Erika Kay

Introducing Our Tinnitus Remapping Program, Developed By Dr. Erika Kay

The Six Step Program to Regain Control of Your Tinnitus

Tinnitus is a frustrating and debilitating condition that affects millions of people worldwide. The constant ringing or buzzing in the ears can disrupt daily life and lead to anxiety and depression. If you or someone you love is suffering from tinnitus, you know how difficult it can be to find relief. The ringing in the ears can be overwhelming, making it difficult to concentrate, sleep, or even carry on a conversation.

Although there is no direct solution to tinnitus, the science continues to progress and our “Tinnitus Remapping Program” is a proactive approach with a growing reputation for regaining control of your tinnitus. For those searching for “tinnitus treatment near me,” this program could be your answer.

Developed by tinnitus specialist Dr. Erika Kay from Highline Hearing, Dr. Kay has used her vast expertise and experience helping hundreds of people to regain control of their tinnitus to develop her “Tinnitus Remapping Program,” which follows six steps depending on your level of tinnitus. Being what you might call a “ringing-in-the-ear specialist,” she understands the nuances of this frustrating condition better than anyone.

A woman with long dark hair wears a white blouse, smiling confidently outdoors with greenery in the background.
A woman with long dark hair wears a white blouse, smiling confidently outdoors with greenery in the background.
A woman with long dark hair wears a white blouse, smiling confidently outdoors with greenery in the background.

How Does It Work?

A flowchart illustrating a process with various steps and green indicators.
A flowchart illustrating a process with various steps and green indicators.
A flowchart illustrating a process with various steps and green indicators.

Tinnitus FAQs

What Is Tinnitus?

A common misconception surrounding tinnitus is that it’s a disease, but it is really a symptom of a neurological disorder characterized by persistent ringing in one or both ears that does not come from any external sound source. Those who battle with tinnitus describe the sound they “hear” as ringing, whistling, hissing, buzzing, or pulsing sound is also possible. For most, these sounds come and go, but they can become an ongoing part of daily life, causing irritation, making it difficult to relax or concentrate, and even contributing to a loss of sleep.

What Is Tinnitus?

A common misconception surrounding tinnitus is that it’s a disease, but it is really a symptom of a neurological disorder characterized by persistent ringing in one or both ears that does not come from any external sound source. Those who battle with tinnitus describe the sound they “hear” as ringing, whistling, hissing, buzzing, or pulsing sound is also possible. For most, these sounds come and go, but they can become an ongoing part of daily life, causing irritation, making it difficult to relax or concentrate, and even contributing to a loss of sleep.

What Is Tinnitus?

A common misconception surrounding tinnitus is that it’s a disease, but it is really a symptom of a neurological disorder characterized by persistent ringing in one or both ears that does not come from any external sound source. Those who battle with tinnitus describe the sound they “hear” as ringing, whistling, hissing, buzzing, or pulsing sound is also possible. For most, these sounds come and go, but they can become an ongoing part of daily life, causing irritation, making it difficult to relax or concentrate, and even contributing to a loss of sleep.

What Causes Tinnitus?

What Causes Tinnitus?

What Causes Tinnitus?

What is involved in a tinnitus evaluation?

What is involved in a tinnitus evaluation?

What is involved in a tinnitus evaluation?

A woman is holding her head with a pained expression, indicating discomfort or a headache.
A woman is holding her head with a pained expression, indicating discomfort or a headache.
A woman is holding her head with a pained expression, indicating discomfort or a headache.

Learn More About How You Can
Manage the Ringing in Your Ears

Learn More About How You Can
Manage the Ringing in Your Ears

The good news is that you don’t have to put up with the ringing in your ears. There are various technologies and treatment strategies available at our Tinnitus Clinic in Burien, WA, to manage the impact of tinnitus on your daily life.

If you or a loved one is battling tinnitus, take the first step toward finding the relief you need by using the adjacent form to schedule a tinnitus evaluation.

Our Experts Answer Your Questions

When you think of hearing aids, chances are that your first image isn’t a pretty one: bulky, awkward devices in off-white or pale pink shades that buzzed distractingly behind your parent’s or grandparent’s ears, constantly needing fiddling with and adjusting.

Did you know that over 44 million American adults deal with some level of hearing loss challenge?…

If you’re reading this, chances are that you’re dealing with some hearing loss challenges: turning the TV volume up, feeling lost in…

Our Experts Answer Your Questions

When you think of hearing aids, chances are that your first image isn’t a pretty one: bulky, awkward devices in off-white or pale pink shades that buzzed distractingly behind your parent’s or grandparent’s ears, constantly needing fiddling with and adjusting.

Our Experts Answer Your Questions

When you think of hearing aids, chances are that your first image isn’t a pretty one: bulky, awkward devices in off-white or pale pink shades that buzzed distractingly behind your parent’s or grandparent’s ears, constantly needing fiddling with and adjusting.

Did you know that over 44 million American adults deal with some level of hearing loss challenge?…

Request A Callback

If you are concerned about your or a loved one’s hearing, it can be confusing to understand what to do with so many myths and misconceptions circulating.

Simply complete this form, and we’ll call you back to answer any questions that you may have and can offer guidance on whatever your hearing-related problem may be!

Remember, there’s no such thing as a silly question!

Exterior view of a modern commercial building with parking spaces and a blue car in front.

Request A Callback

If you are concerned about your or a loved one’s hearing, it can be confusing to understand what to do with so many myths and misconceptions circulating.

Simply complete this form, and we’ll call you back to answer any questions that you may have and can offer guidance on whatever your hearing-related problem may be!

Remember, there’s no such thing as a silly question!

(206) 246-8677

457 SW 148th St Ste 101
Burien, Washington 98166