Nov 26, 2024


Lori Lovato MA, FAAA, Audiologist

Should I Get My Hearing Tested in My 50s?

If you’re reading this, chances are that you’re dealing with some hearing loss challenges: turning the TV volume up, feeling lost in conversations, missing instructions at work… hearing loss can be confusing, frustrating, and isolating.  Many of us believe that hearing loss isn’t something that we need to worry about until we’re much older, but nowadays, anyone can deal with hearing loss challenges, no matter their age. Over 44 million American adults report some trouble hearing—that’s not all people in their golden years, either.  Professional hearing care isn’t out of reach for those of a certain age. A comprehensive hearing test could help you better understand your current range of hearing and find out what you need to do to alleviate any frustrating hearing challenges. 

How Can a Hearing Test Help Me? 

Many individuals wait up to seven years before addressing their hearing loss challenge; whether that be out of fear of the cost, worries about the change, or concerns about looking old with hearing aids, they don’t realize the effect that untreated hearing loss can have on the rest of the body.  When you think of hearing aids, our guess is that you imagine an unattractive, bulky device that’s obvious and buzzing. Thankfully, modern hearing aid technology has come far beyond that negative stigma, and today’s devices are more discreet, more powerful, and less aging than you might’ve thought.  Our team has seen hundreds of patients come in looking skeptical that hearing care is what they need, or nervous about needing hearing aids, but by the time their first appointment is done, they’re feeling more confident than ever that they made the right choice.  Untreated hearing loss has been linked to an increased risk in harmful falls, social isolation, dementia and cognitive decline, and more. Thankfully, with just one hearing test, you’ll mitigate those risks and take control of not only your hearing health, but your overall health.  Getting your hearing tested isn’t a sign of getting older—it’s a sign that you’ve been living a busy, active life, full of exciting loudness and busy spaces, and by taking control of your hearing health, you’re guaranteeing that you’ll have the hearing capacity to continue leading your busy, active lifestyle for even longer.  It can be hard to ask for help, especially with something like your hearing, but if you’re here, then you’re already taking steps in the right direction. 

Concerned About Your Hearing? 

No matter your hearing concerns, you can rest assured that our team is here to help with any and all questions, concerns, or comments. There’s no such thing as a silly question!  Please feel free to request a callback and we’ll get in touch with you as soon as we can to help. Alternatively, you can call us directly at (206) 246-8677 for a more immediate conversation. 

Lori Lovato MA, FAAA, Audiologist

Lori is a lifelong resident of the Tri-Cities. She and her husband Anthony are proud to be raising their family here. She attended Washington State University where she received a bachelor’s degree in speech and hearing sciences and her master’s degree in audiology. Lori began practicing audiology in the Tri-Cities in 1993. During this time, she has worked in a variety of clinical settings, including private practice and ear, nose, and throat physicians’ offices. She has spent her career focused on assisting those with hearing difficulties through the use of hearing aids, listening strategies, assistive devices, and counseling. She is experienced in working with both adult and pediatric patients. It is important to Lori to develop close relationships with each and every patient, as she helps them develop better communication strategies to live a fuller life.




Concerned About Your Hearing?

Please feel free to request a callback and we’ll get in touch with you as soon as we can to help. Alternatively, you can call us directly at (206) 246-8677 for a more immediate conversation. 

Concerned About Your Hearing?

Please feel free to request a callback and we’ll get in touch with you as soon as we can to help. Alternatively, you can call us directly at (206) 246-8677 for a more immediate conversation. 

Concerned About Your Hearing?

Please feel free to request a callback and we’ll get in touch with you as soon as we can to help. Alternatively, you can call us directly at (206) 246-8677 for a more immediate conversation. 

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Request A Callback

If you are concerned about your or a loved one’s hearing, it can be confusing to understand what to do with so many myths and misconceptions circulating.

Simply complete this form, and we’ll call you back to answer any questions that you may have and can offer guidance on whatever your hearing-related problem may be!

Remember, there’s no such thing as a silly question!

Request A Callback

If you are concerned about your or a loved one’s hearing, it can be confusing to understand what to do with so many myths and misconceptions circulating.

Simply complete this form, and we’ll call you back to answer any questions that you may have and can offer guidance on whatever your hearing-related problem may be!

Remember, there’s no such thing as a silly question!

Request A Callback

If you are concerned about your or a loved one’s hearing, it can be confusing to understand what to do with so many myths and misconceptions circulating.

Simply complete this form, and we’ll call you back to answer any questions that you may have and can offer guidance on whatever your hearing-related problem may be!

Remember, there’s no such thing as a silly question!

(206) 246-8677

457 SW 148th St Ste 101
Burien, Washington 98166