“You will get your questions answered.”
Approximately 10 to 15 years ago, Clay developed tinnitus. After struggling with it for so long, he was concerned about what would happen to his hearing in the future.
He says, “My biggest concern was how I was going to keep from driving myself nuts about the fact that it was incurable and would never go away.”
Highline Hearing was recommended to Clay by Aly deGroot, whom he “had met and seen in action in the course of my work and with whom I was deeply impressed.”
Clay was satisfied with Highline in more ways than one. He says, “Geographically, I was pleased that it was relatively close to me in West Seattle. Physically, I was impressed by its welcoming and spacious facility, though also surprised that it wasn’t as busy as I thought it would be. (This, of course, could be ascribed to COVID.)”
However, it was the care he received that really won him over. Clay explains, “Personally, I was quite pleased with the people skills of everyone working there. These are human beings who care. Their primary motive, it would seem, is not to shake the money out of you.”
Prescribed with hearing aids, Clay’s had some hiccups along the way but says his hearing has improved.
He says, “I have mixed feelings. They are a pain at times, especially when we are simultaneously hanging masks from our ears, but that’s only a minor irritation. I do see the value of sea sounds distracting me from my tinnitus, and it does work, at least at times.
“Oddly to me, the main benefit I perceive has been the ability to hear voices much more clearly during iPhone calls. Instead of straining to hear by pressing the phone to my ear and trying to find a quiet corner and otherwise trying to block out competing noise nearby, the voices feel like they are literally in my head. This unexpected benefit seems especially important in a time when landlines are passé.”
Clay encourages prospective patients, “Just go. You will get your questions answered and be assured of receiving the latest information, delivered in a warm, caring manner. Just go. Period.”
Clay E